Synthetic Training Experience


CK delivers a revolutionary approach to battle readiness preparation. This is only possible with CK’s Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems. This training is delivered via CK’s Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems™ (SMTS™) - focusing on Programs of Instruction (POIs) with purpose-built drills and escalating difficulty that lead to the cognitive and physical mastery of one environment and weapon system.


Technically, Conflict Kinetics’ systems are considered Virtual Simulation or a firearms simulation trainer. However, Virtual Simulation focuses on “simulating or replicating” an environment or task.  Whereas, CK’s Synthetic Marksmanship Training Systems™ replicate professional sports human performance optimization techniques.  These techniques are patented and rooted in decades of professional sports trade secrets.


Our Human Performance and synthetic weapons training programs are arranged to deliver a circuit training approach. This circuit approach leads to mastery of desired skills through short detailed exposures of each critical piece of the overarching task.


CK Synthetic Training platforms emphasize ocular capability, reaction time, precision under stress, and decision-making.  They are scientifically based, results-driven, and progressive in scope and difficulty.




 © 2023 Conflict Kinetics Corporation. All rights reserved.

1893 Preston White Drive
Reston, VA 20191

Phone: 571-313-0117

Fax: 703-935-4256
